And so it begins…..

As I begin this journey as I have attempted many times but half heartedly in the last 6 months what makes me more committed?  Why will this time be any different?  Can I really get back to where I want to be physically and not be disgusted by the site of my own body?  The answers I am left with are still somewhat new to even myself as I sit here with a glass of wine and type.  Here is what I know, I have made several lame attempts in the last year to lose what started as a few excess pounds and has now moved to 20 pounds.  With each attempt I add a few more pounds.  So with August 1 on the horizon I begin this journey to get to a fitness level and weight that I am happy with.  To get to a point that I can look at myself clothed and not and be pleased by what I see.  Being 53 and weighing in tonight at 156 is NOT a good feeling and I want to feel good about me and for me.  So again what makes this time different?  I am really sick of looking and feeling the way I do. I catch a glimpse of myself in a passing mirror and don’t recognize myself.  I see a picture and think UGHHH who is that person.  I want to feel good about me and look good for me. That is what makes this time different I really want it.  I don’t like being FAT I want to be FIT.

So what’s the plan? There are so many choices out there, how does one go about finding something that works for them that is manageable, doable and has staying power?  the answer is I have not idea. So here is what I am going to do and invite you to go on the journey with me.

  • I will do Weight Watchers, mostly because I am paying for it right now and it is an easy way to log both food and workouts.
  • I will meal plan and prep, one of my biggest issues is that I get home late and leave early and therefore grab whatever is easy (wine and cheese) so tomorrow and every saturday or sunday I will plan my week, shop and prep
  • I will work out daily, sometime twice.  The run for weight loss app is new for me and I will try that for a week and report back.  I will use this in the mornings.  That means getting up early so my schedule for work is still in tact.  I will also either do 21 day fix or T25 when I get home from work.  There will be some occasions where this will not happen every day with certain work obligations but it is the goal
  • I will blog daily on the adventure, the challenge and the struggles – that should keep my honest.

Tomorrow will be measurements and meal planning watch out healthy fit new me here I come!